Thursday, November 29, 2012

Kickstarter project for my new book.

If you aren't familiar Kickstarter it is a way for people to get funding for all kinds of creative projects and in my case it is an effort to fund my new book titled: You don't have to call 911 to meet a Firefighter, tips on meeting, dating and even marrying a Firefighter.

The way it works is you submit a project and if Kickstarter signs off on it you get 30 days to try and reach your funding goal. My goal is for $10,000, this will allow me to dedicate my time to writing, to hiring a professional editor, pay for cover art, and pay for the first printing of the book.

If you invest as little as $10 you will get a copy of the new book as well as a copy of my last book, Dangers, toils, and Snares: Confessions of a Firefighter.

I have submitted other ideas to Kickstarter and this is the first one to win approval, all I ask is if you can help me get the word out. Thank you for any help.

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